I have a business assisting senior veteran families with VA benefits. In the past couple months I have sent 7-8 claimants to you. For most of them, Touchstone delivered as promised and the DD214 was sent in 7-14 days. This is appreciated.
I am less satisfied with the service for Evelyn Yauk. It took six weeks to send a document, and when I emailed your customer service, it was three days later that Jasen emailed me back with what was basically a non-answer that didn't respond to my basic question about expectations.
I realize that for some veterans, the DD214 is on file at the archives and can be retrieved quickly, and for others a record of services must be reconstructed. I need to set expectations with my clients. It would be a valuable improvement to your service if you could communicate with your clients whether the retrieval will be simple or complex early in the process. For the $89 we are paying, I feel that is a reasonable expectation of service. [Thank you for the repeat business. We provide a Record Retrieval Estimator on the service description pages, and encourage all of our clients to read our Frequently Asked Questions section on timing and potential delay issues. Each case is unique. Some cases do take longer.]
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!] |